Bulletin Board

Welcome, Participants!


Thank you for signing up for the ‘AI & YOU Online Certification Camp.’

The platform will be ready this coming Sunday, May 26th. In the meantime, please feel free to browse around.

Until July 19th, you will be working mainly on the ‘AI TOPICS‘ page.

You will receive your own Username and Password by May 26th from the committee to access all the AI TOPICS.

You will need to complete your homework by reading articles, listening to podcasts, watching videos, and then answering questions to receive the Certificate at the end of the camp on July 20th.

You are only required to select and work on any 4 of the TOPICS for your certificate. On average, it takes 3 hours to complete all 4 topics. There is no specific day, time, or location you need to log in to work on the topics. You are free to manage your own time, pace, and location from now until July 19th to complete your homework in order to receive the certificate. July 20th is the day we meet in person for the certification.

For security reasons, a moderator will review the answers you submit before they are posted publicly on the platform.

To receive the Silver Certificate, you are required to complete the work in Advanced Learning for SILVER. To receive the Gold Certificate, you are required to complete the work in Challenge for GOLD.

Since many of you want to know AI in depth, the TOPICS cover the most up-to-date areas happening around the world. We hope the information we provide will draw your attention to the issues, increase your interest in learning more, and boost your confidence in working with AI in the future.

All communications will be announced in the Bulletin.


The Dream It Be It Committee
Soroptimit International of Vancouver